Error Message
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In this section you will find all the errors that can be generated when using this software. All errors are displayed via a red pop-up that appears next to our software.
For this software you can find three different error runtimes:
1) Bankruptcy
'Bankruptcy! The equity line of this backtesting is negative. Try the backtesting again using different parameters, or reduce or increase the test period.'
This error indicates that the performance of the strategy with the current parameters did not produce a profit but on the contrary brought the account balance below zero. To resolve this error, you can reduce the period of analysis time, for example by focusing on shorter and different time periods. This will help you understand under which market conditions it is best to avoid using this algorithm. A second alternative to solve this problem is to use different configuration parameters, e.g. changing the capital value to be used for each new order, the take profit percentage, any stop losses etc. To change these parameters, go to the 'Inputs' section of the user interface.
2) Number of indicators not supported
'You can only activate one indicator at a time, please check your settings and make sure you only have one indicator activated.'
This error indicates that the algorithm is unable to load two or more technical indicators at the same time. To solve this problem you will have to select only one indicator to use in the strategy, then proceed by deactivating the excess indicators.
3) Order size error
'The total quantity of each order exceeds the quantity actually available, please reduce the quantity of orders.'
This error indicates that the configuration in the UI was set up using a higher total quantity than was available in reality. In the example below, a backtesting of a DCA model with up to 20 Safety Orders, an initial quantity of the 'Base Order' of 50% and a quantity for the added orders of 5% was selected. Adding up the total quantities we have 50% + (5% * 20 Safety Orders) = 150%. This explains the error. To solve it, simply check the sizes and reduce the values within the user interface.